Published by CREALYST the 17/04/2018
ARTC Kuala Lumpur 23-25 April 2018 : we will be at booth n°26 !
Visit us at ARTC Kuala Lumpur booth no° 26 in the exhibition area at DoubleTree Hilton, Malaysia.
Based on years of expertise in optimizing industrial processes as an independent partner, CREALYST will have a booth at the Asia Refining Technology Conference (ARTC) in Kuala Lumpur.
We offer global services to oil, gas, and petrochemical industry, as well as licensors and catalyst handling companies.
During maintenance of fixed-bed catalytic reactors and adsorbers, CREALYST performs catalyst Homogeneous Dense Loading® using Calydens® or Calynet® patented equipments. We also provide associated assistance for inspection, supervision or training.
In addition, new services can be released with Calyhawk® unique mobile automatized technology for catalyst bed control and monitoring. Or Calyroof® to make top bed cover fully secure.
Meet our team at ARTC Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia to know more about our new services.
In conclusion, with a record-breaking 256 delegates in Indonesia last year, including 101 attendees from Pertamina, PTT Global Chemical, BSR Petrovietnam, Thai Oil, Bangchak Petroleum, S-Oil and Reliance Industries, the Asia Refining Technology Conference will be an essential place to start new business relationships and capitalise on all available opportunities.